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With Labor Day Upon Us, August Jobs Numbers Disappoint

The August jobs numbers are out as we look forward to Labor Day. The main takeaway is that unemployment numbers surged “unexpectedly.” It seems the “experts” are constantly surprised about the underperformance of the U.S. economy. A perfect example is that the jobs figures have been revised downward for every month in 2023. Economic predications … Continued

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Major Border Security Bill Advances in House

A major piece of immigration legislation was advanced by the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee last Wednesday night. The Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023 (H.R. 2640) was passed by a near-party line vote of 23-15. The only dissenting Republican was Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), who expressed opposition to the E-Verify provisions. The legislation contained … Continued

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As official unemployment drops, job prospects for Americans diminish

The Biden White House understandably continues to tout the falling unemployment rate, but this masks the continuing low labor force participation of working-age Americans. So, what is the state of the economy, specifically the employment situation for U.S. workers? The answer to that question depends on how one views a “strong labor market.” According to … Continued

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Biden Administration Announces Plan to Expand Its Abuse of Humanitarian Parole

While the D.C. press was preoccupied (obsessed really) with the House Speaker’s race, the White House decided it was time to roll out a new immigration policy ahead of a scheduled visit by President Biden to the border at El Paso. The plan is called New Border Enforcement Actions. As one might guess at this … Continued

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Immigration Is No “Fix” for Social Security

The argument that ongoing mass immigration to the United States is necessary to keep the Social Security program solvent is not based on any credible evidence or analysis. While immigration is not the fundamental problem facing Social Security, it is not going to “save” it, either. And, if immigration continues apace, it will only exacerbate … Continued

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Labor Force Participation for U.S.-born Continues to Decline, Especially for Those Without College Degree

One of the constants in D.C. is that no matter the state of the U.S. labor market, the clarion call for more immigration will resound in the chambers of Congress and reverberate through corporate media outlets. Even now, as the Biden Administration has effectively opened the southern border to millions of illegal aliens, immigration expansionists … Continued

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Census data reveals 2 million increase in foreign-born population under Pres. Biden

Last month the Center for Immigration Studies released a report on the increase in the foreign-born population in the United States since President Biden took office on January 21, 2021. The report by Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found, not surprisingly, that it had increased by two million and that this increase was “driven … Continued

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Dr. Frank Morris Praises ‘Back of the Hiring Line’ in Chicago Tribune Op-ed

Dr. Frank Morris, Sr. is the former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a research organization founded by the Congressional Black Caucus to research political issues directly affecting Black Americans. He is a retired professor and former dean of graduate students at Morgan State University. Dr. Morris has long been involved in the … Continued

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