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Search results for: Jonette Christian



We know what it means to add 82 million people. Do we want to do it again?

The United States grew by 82 million people from 1990 to today, and could grow by another 50-120 million by 2060, depending immigration scenarios. Since 1990, legal immigration has averaged more than 1 million per year; the largest wave of immigration in world history. Illegal immigration has fluctuated but is now running at historic levels. … Continued

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Let’s move immigration policy back into partnership with Americans

“Are you earning too much money?” Briahna Joy Gray asks on a recent episode of Rising. Real wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, but Gray notes (as we have) that the conventional wisdom among the policy elite is that “the real problem here is that workers aren’t working enough and that wages are just … Continued

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Washington chooses loose borders over worker power, and working-class voters are on the move

[W]hat is the point of a left party that cannot command the loyalty of the working class and therefore plausibly claim to represent its interests?”- Ruy Teixeira DHS Secretary Mayorkas will expand the H-2B visa program by 35,000. “This preemptive move by Mayorkas lets seasonal employers off the hook from recruiting Americans by offering better … Continued

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The future belongs to nations who embrace stabilization

Who Said It? “Slower population growth, including less legal immigration and stopping illegal immigration, would reduce pressures on the environment and the depletion of resources as well as gain time to find solutions to the nation’s problems.” A) Former director of the U.N. Population Division Joseph Chamie? OrB) Fox News host Tucker Carlson?   The … Continued

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The future belongs to nations who embrace stabilization

Who Said It? “Slower population growth, including less legal immigration and stopping illegal immigration, would reduce pressures on the environment and the depletion of resources as well as gain time to find solutions to the nation’s problems.” A) Former director of the U.N. Population Division Joseph Chamie? OrB) Fox News host Tucker Carlson?   The … Continued

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Best of 2021: Immigration Reads You May Have Missed

As the curtain closes on 2021, the NumbersUSA staff who work as part of the Media Standards Project have each pulled together a list of noteworthy media items from the year that advanced a healthy, civil, productive conversation on immigration-related issues. These pundits and reporters provided their consumers with high-quality commentary and information, allowing the … Continued

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Best of 2021: Immigration Reads You May Have Missed

As the curtain closes on 2021, the NumbersUSA staff who work as part of the Media Standards Project have each pulled together a list of noteworthy media items from the year that advanced a healthy, civil, productive conversation on immigration-related issues. These pundits and reporters provided their consumers with high-quality commentary and information, allowing the … Continued

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‘Fixing’ immigration and class myopia

The L.A. Times oped “Fixing Immigration” perpetuates the class myopia which often colors mainline media’s perspective on immigration. Once again, we’re told to “fix” immigration with another legalization scheme for the 11 million illegal aliens who are currently here (amnesty number 8), that Americans won’t do menial labor, that “self deportation” is a “fantasy”, that … Continued

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