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Search results for: Rosemary Jenks



NumbersUSA Urges ‘NO’ Vote on Rule That Would Bring Healthcare Bill to House Floor

NumbersUSA is mobilizing our 920,000 members to contact their Representatives to urge defeat of the Rule to bring H.R. 3962 to the House floor.  NumbersUSA takes no position on the non-immigration parts of the bill.  But Speaker Pelosi and the Rules Committee have broken the promises that Pres. Obama made that illegal aliens would be … Continued

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Immigration reform one priority among many for Obama

But with 4.4 million jobs lost since the recession started 15 months ago, it would be irresponsible to bring forward any immigration legislation, said Rosemary Jenks, who directs governmental relations for NumbersUSA, which opposes amnesty. “It’s wishful thinking,” she said, arguing that giving legal status to millions of workers will drive down wages. Laura Isensee … Continued

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Roll Call Acknowledges Efforts of NumbersUSA and its Members

In media coverage — from cable news programs to newspaper editorial boards to YouTube videos- — , immigration appears to be taking a backseat only to the struggling economy and late night talk show appearances by President Obama. But Senate Minority Whip John Kyl said yesterday that immigration is not a high priority issue right … Continued

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The Biggest 2 Lies About E-Verify (arguments to keep hiring illegal aliens)

Senators are being pounded from seemingly every direction to keep E-Verify out of their Stimulus bill next week (after the House this week put strong E-Verify requirements in their bill to make sure illegal aliens don’t get jobs created by the Stimulus).  The anti-E-Verify folks are relying on enough Senators believing arguments that are demonstrable … Continued

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House Measure Rejects ‘Amnesty’

“‘It’s clear that both sides of the aisle of the House understand enforcement has to happen now,’ said Rosemary Jenks, NumbersUSA’s director of government relations.”Washington Times

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Agency backs care for illegal immigrant moms

At Numbers USA, anti-illegal immigration think tank, the primary concern is the automatic citizenship offered to these children and, more indirectly, their parents. It says the 14th Amendment — essentially granting citizenship to any child born on American soil — is being misinterpreted to include the children of illegal immigrants. The children, often referred to … Continued

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Congressmen demanding visas for Venezuelan illegals

“The lawmakers argue that Venezuelans currently in the U.S. illegally should be granted temporary protected status because the socialist government of Hugo Chavez is ‘persecuting its citizens for their political views.’ But Rosemary Jenks, director of government affairs for Numbers USA, says it makes no sense to have an immigration policy based on national origin. … Continued

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Immigration Raids Leave Children Behind

“‘If a U.S. citizen parent commits a crime and is arrested, nobody is out there protesting that this person shouldn’t be separated from his kid to go to jail,’ said Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA…” News

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As Deportation Pace Rises, Illegal Immigrants Dig In

“‘We are not calling for I.C.E. to become the Gestapo knocking on doors in the middle of the night,’ said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations for NumbersUSA, a group in Washington that seeks to curb immigration. ‘But we have to increase the likelihood that if you are here illegally you will be caught…'” New … Continued

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