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A Dose of Reality Turns DREAMs into Nightmares

EDITOR’s NOTE: A line-by-line analysis of the DREAM Act (as introduced in the U.S. Senate) reveals no end to the nightmares. (1) The amnesty applies to illegal-alien “kids” up to age 35; (2) aliens merely need to make a “claim” that they are qualified for the amnesty — they don’t have to provide any proof … Continued

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Obama’s Political Gesture Is Good Sign — But Not Close To What Is Necessary To Secure Borders

Pres. Obama definitely blinked today in the face-off between pro-enforcement and pro-amnesty Americans. His announcement of sending 1,200 National Guard troops to the border and asking for an extra half-billion dollars for border security shows that he and his advisors are acknowledging that most Americans sided with Arizona Gov. Brewer and against the Obama Administration … Continued

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Recommended Reading List for Pres. Obama, AG Eric Holder, and DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano

After their admission that they haven’t read the Arizona immigration enforcment law, here’s a recommended reading list for President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. (Along with those who, not having read either federal immigration law or the Arizona law, believe it is “misguided” or “unconstitutional,” or have called for … Continued

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Read It Here — Every Detail Of The Arizona Enforcement Law (originally SB 1070)

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Unlike federal officials who have criticized Arizona’s law, Rosemary Jenks — an attorney and NumbersUSA’s Director of Government Relations — has read it thoroughly and offers here a full description of every thing the law does.)   Purpose of the Law: To ensure “the cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of … Continued

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IT Industry, Hispanics Team Up On Immigration

But any such shift would require solid Republican majorities in Congress and a cooperative White House, plus the ability to overcome opposition from some professional societies such as IEEE-USA and GOP-leaning grassroots that oppose much legal immigration. “I don’t think [the GOP] will have a lot of success,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations … Continued

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Labor opposed to immigration deal

“Can you feel my smile? It’s great not to be needed,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations at NumbersUSA, which rallied opponents to flood senators’ offices with calls and faxes during the 2006 and 2007 immigration-reform debates. Stephen Dinan — Washington Times

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SEIU Showed Itself a Pro At Sunday March in Silencing Debate — Mime’s Audio Is One Proof

The Battle of the Mimes looks pretty silly in many ways.  But beneath the makeup and balloons, the SEIU’s “silencing campaign” on Sunday showed a lot about the ability and willingness of one of the biggest money/muscle partners of the pro-amnesty forces to use well-orchestrated intimidation to keep debate from happening. Perhaps surprising was that the … Continued

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Groups mobilize to pressure lawmakers to act on immigration reform

Others, however, say that pushing legalization at a time of high unemployment would be “political suicide.” “We have 15 million Americans unemployed and looking for jobs,” said Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA, a Virginia-based organization that supports immigration restrictions. “There’s absolutely no question that economically this is not the time for amnesty. This is a time … Continued

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House Members Push for Verification

Seven House Members held a press conference earlier today on the East Lawn of the Capitol Building showing their support for stronger verification in the health care reform bill. NumbersUSA’s Director of Government Relations Rosemary Jenks also spoke with the House Members. See the video and transcript of her statement. Rosemary Jenks with Rep. Joe … Continued

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