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Search results for: Roy Beck



Not on this list? Not serious about fighting illegal immigration

I am regularly asked how a voter can know who to believe when politicians say they want to control the border and fight illegal immigration. I tell them I know who they CAN’T trust. That would be anybody who isn’t on the list below – anybody who isn’t actively working to mandate that every employer … Continued

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Ukrainian Migrants Spark More Debate on U.S. Immigration Policy

The Biden Administration announced this past month its decision to accept “up to 100,000 Ukrainians and others fleeing Russia’s aggression through the full range of legal pathways, including the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.” The Administration made this announcement even as it expects that “many Ukrainians will choose to remain in Europe close to family and … Continued

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Washington chooses loose borders over worker power, and working-class voters are on the move

[W]hat is the point of a left party that cannot command the loyalty of the working class and therefore plausibly claim to represent its interests?”- Ruy Teixeira DHS Secretary Mayorkas will expand the H-2B visa program by 35,000. “This preemptive move by Mayorkas lets seasonal employers off the hook from recruiting Americans by offering better … Continued

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What do you mean by ‘EVERYONE,’ Mr. President? EVERY category of Black voters soundly rejects your chain migration.

According to Pres. Biden in last week’s State of the Union address, “EVERYONE from labor unions to religious leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce” supports his “immigration reform.” Apparently, African American voters aren’t part of his “everyone.” Polling of Black voters, for example, finds 57% opposed allowing any immigrant to bring or petition for … Continued

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Immigration-Driven Population Growth Arguments Disregard Inequality

Earlier this month, The Washington Post and The New York Times yet again published articles extolling immigration-driven population growth while ignoring how it contributes to inequality through its negative impact on American workers. In “Amid Slowdown, Immigration Is Driving U.S. Population Growth” New York Times writers Miriam Jordan and Robert Gebeloff are elated that “immigration … Continued

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POLL: Black voters strongly oppose ‘labor shortage’ arguments of Biden, biz lobbies, all congressional Democrats and some Republicans

Black voters are not buying the Biden Administration’s insistence that the nation faces a severe labor shortage that requires the massive increases in work permits for immigrants and other foreign workers contained in his Build Back Better proposals. A national poll released this week by Rasmussen Reports found “likely voters” who identified as “Black” have … Continued

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Who doesn’t want a tight labor market?

A few days after the Twitter Spaces event “How Does Immigration Benefit Black Americans” trended #1 on the social media site, Pamela Denise Long hosted Roy Beck for two sessions to discuss his book Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and the depression of Black wealth. The two … Continued

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Who doesn’t want a tight labor market?

A few days after the Twitter Spaces event “How Does Immigration Benefit Black Americans” trended #1 on the social media site, Pamela Denise Long hosted Roy Beck for two sessions to discuss his book Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and the depression of Black wealth. The two … Continued

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Black history informs every month of our work

Since the NumbersUSA website began in 1996, Black American history has been one of the elements integral to our mission and message. We don’t reserve it for February. Reducing immigration is NumbersUSA’s sole legislative issue. And our attention to that part of American history that is “Black history” has taught us that no large demographic … Continued

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