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Pro- and anti-immigration advocates invoke the economy

But anti-illegal immigration advocates urged the U.S. government this week to curtail legal immigration in response to the economic crisis. “With the federal government reporting continuing giant losses of jobs, it is time to slow the massive importation of workers,” Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, wrote in a letter this week to Obama. “How … Continued

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Immigration issue on back burner

Roy Beck, a former journalist who directs NumbersUSA, a lobby group in Washington that seeks lower immigration levels, said Obama would “commit political suicide” if he tried to legalize millions of unauthorized workers with so many Americans out of work. He said migrant activists will likely win some concessions, such as Obama using presidential discretion … Continued

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Bush To The End Doesn’t Understand That Immigration Laws Are Meant To Protect U.S. Workers

We should be open-minded about big issues like immigration reform, because if we’re viewed as anti-somebody — in other words, if the party is viewed as anti-immigrant — then another fellow may say, well, if they’re against the immigrant, they may be against me. — Pres. Bush to Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday To … Continued

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524,000 More Americans Lose Jobs in DEC …… Amnesty Leaders Blast NumbersUSA For Urging Fewer Foreign Workers

You can tell who cares about America’s workers by their response to the devastating news that another 524,000 Americans lost their jobs in December. According to many of the national pro-amnesty leaders, the most important response to all those unemployed Americans is to make sure that 7 million U.S. jobs are never available to Americans. … Continued

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Our Urgent Request of Obama — Stop Importing Foreign Workers

A national crisis requires bold action. NumbersUSA today urged President-Elect Obama to immediately suspend most importation of foreign workers to give relief to the American workers who will be left without a job if the importation continues. Unlike all other emergency recommendations, our call to action would not cost hundreds of billions of dollars. In … Continued

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Tell New Congress and the New President to Suspend Giving Out Most New Foreign Work Visas

This is the week to contact every Member of Congress and offer relief to American workers! The 111th Congress enters its second week of business, and it’s just a week away from the inauguration of a new President. NumbersUSA has sent a letter to President-elect Barack Obama urging him to make Americans and already-resident legal … Continued

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Miami students protest deportation of college-age immigrants

“‘Giving an amnesty would encourage more parents overseas to break the law and put their kids into this same difficult situation,’ said Roy Beck, director of NumbersUSA.”South Florida Sun-Sentinel

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Nonprofits Become A Force in Primaries

“‘For us, it is all about the presidential campaign, the rest of December and January,’ said Roy Beck, executive director of the decade-old NumbersUSA, whose primary target on immigration issues has been Congress. ‘We don’t want anyone casting a ballot who really cares about immigration to do it without knowing where the candidates stand.'” … Continued

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GAO audit warns of visa terror risk

“Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA in Virginia, which favors restricting immigration, called the visa lottery the ”perfect symbol of how irrational our immigration polices are.'” Houston Chronicle

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