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Search results for: Roy Beck



House E-Verify Victory Raises Question of Whether Illegal-Worker Supporters Willing to Fight in a Roll Call Vote

Despite frantic behind-the-scenes lobbying, the massive pro-illegal-worker coalition did not force a vote on the U.S. House floor Wednesday to strip from the Stimulus bill two strong new E-Verify provisions. That means we won this first round decisively. (See story) But our NumbersUSA Hill Team has heard a number of indications of preparations for closed-door … Continued

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Lobbyists Pressing U.S. House Today to Allow Stimulus Recips to Hire Illegal Aliens

When it comes to immigration, we are living in a Wild West culture in which the outlaws feel free to strut down the street and demand that the authorities give them whatever they want. Witness Capitol Hill today. The lobbyists for a variety of industries that hire lots of illegal foreign workers are rallying their … Continued

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Sen. Grassley Asks Microsoft to Layoff H-1B Foreign Workers First

In a letter addressed to Microsoft last week, Senator Charles Grassley asked the company to layoff foreign workers before laying off skilled American workers. The letter came in response to a report last week that said the company would be laying off approximately 5,000 workers.   I am concerned that Microsoft will be retaining foreign … Continued

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New Sen. Gillibrand May Be NY’s Top Democratic Champion for the Unemployed (supports keeping illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs)

(Originally filed at 1 p.m., 23JAN09)  No Democrat in New York’s large congressional delegation has shown more promise in truly bringing relief to the unemployed, especially in her approach to immigration issues. After only one term in the U.S. House, we still have a lot to learn about Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who was appointed Friday … Continued

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Hopeful Sign? Obama Inaugural Address’s Principles Have Room for Immigration Reduction

Shirley (my wife) just got a call from her 99-year-old father in Columbia, Missouri, who wanted to share his analysis of Pres. Obama’s inaugural speech (and also to say how much he misses Brit Hume). It is important to know that I assume Doc was conceived as a Republican and has been a rock-ribbed one for all 99 … Continued

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COMMUTATIONS: Thanks to Those Who Never Quit Trying — Even When Others Said Trying Was Futile

In light of the Rev. Martin Luther King’s two-decade civil rights battle celebrated today, your four-year fight for justice for Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean may seem small, but it is in the same vein.  Large numbers of the people who begin a battle always fall off after awhile as the outcome becomes uncertain … Continued

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Prosecutor of Jailed Border Patrol Says Sentences Too Harsh — Time For Bush To Pardon

Mr. Bush, please listen to your federal prosecutor who doggedly tracked down a convicted drug smuggler in Mexico to convict Border Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos for allegedly over-zealously shooting at the smuggler after a car chase and then a foot sprint back across the border. To many supporters of the Border Patrol, Prosecutor Sutton … Continued

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Immigration issue on back burner

Roy Beck, a former journalist who directs NumbersUSA, a lobby group in Washington that seeks lower immigration levels, said Obama would “commit political suicide” if he tried to legalize millions of unauthorized workers with so many Americans out of work. He said migrant activists will likely win some concessions, such as Obama using presidential discretion … Continued

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Mr. Bush, Please Pardon Border Patrol Agents

NumbersUSA’s members have been divided about the appropriateness of the actions of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who have now been in prison for two years. But I believe that almost nobody believes they should spend another day in prison. In the name of fairness, proportionality and morale for our beleaguered defenders … Continued

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