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Search results for: Roy Beck



SOUP KITCHEN: Can Senators See the Face of Unemployed Americans Whose Jobs They Give To Illegal Aliens?

My wife and I recently spent an evening assisting more than 600 people in families racked by unemployment and poverty. They were given a hot meal, bags of groceries, bus tokens, coupons and advice/counseling if requested. They needed a band-aid, and we gave them one. But most of all, these households need a job. The … Continued

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Senate Passes Grassley/Sanders Amendment to Protect American Workers

The Senate adopted by voice vote an amendment to the economic stimulus bill sponsored by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).  The amendment prevents businesses who receive stimulus funds from hiring foreign H-1B workers for one year. “Unfortunately, this measure won’t affect a very large part of the jobs at stake in … Continued

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598,000 U.S. Jobs Lost in JAN — Will Senate Today Go Through With Plan to Give Stimulus Jobs to Illegal Aliens?

The feds’ monthly report was even worse than expected: 598,000 jobs cut in January. And, yet, Senate leaders have still not given permission for a vote on a Stimulus Bill amendment that would keep illegal foreign workers from getting jobs created by the massive taxpayer effort. How many Americans have to lose their jobs before … Continued

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STUDY: current Senate Stimulus bill would give 300,000 construction jobs to illegal aliens (UNLESS E-VERIFY ADDED)

Famed analyst Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation has just released an estimate that the stimulus bill on the Senate floor would provide construction jobs to roughly 300,000 illegal aliens. A Heritage Foundation release states that the travesty could be largely avoided if the Senate would adopt an amendment similar to one that passed the … Continued

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TV Ads Try to Educate About Immigration and Jobless Stats that Media & Elected Officials Are Hiding

So far you haven’t seen the stats in the mainstream media.  You haven’t heard national politicians talking about them.  But now an extensive nationwide educational campaign on cable TV will expose Americans to two outrageous government statistics.    And the 2 banned statistics are . . . . 2.5 million Americans lost jobs in 2008 … Continued

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Groups aim to protect U.S. jobs in stimulus bill

NumbersUSA head Roy Beck said E-Verify made it easier for good businesses to follow the rules and made it harder for unscrupulous ones to game the system. “It doesn’t keep every single illegal worker out, but it’s a step in the right direction,” he said.,0,6207679.storyBy Anna Gorman – Los Angeles Times

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Florida’s immigrants pin hopes on Obama

Leaders of NumbersUSA, one of the most prominent immigration-restriction advocacy groups, say there is an oversupply of immigrant workers that is hurting Americans looking for jobs in a bad economy. “There will be a fight” over immigration, said Roy Beck, director and founder of NumbersUSA, based in Washington, D.C.,0,4759031.storyBy Victor Manuel Ramos — Orlando Sentinel

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Immigration is losing urgency as top issue

A group called NumbersUSA is pushing Obama to take what it calls a timeout not only on illegal immigration but also on the flow of people who come here legally. “How can it make any sense for the American people’s own government to be approving more competitors for a dwindling number of jobs?” the group’s … Continued

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The Biggest 2 Lies About E-Verify (arguments to keep hiring illegal aliens)

Senators are being pounded from seemingly every direction to keep E-Verify out of their Stimulus bill next week (after the House this week put strong E-Verify requirements in their bill to make sure illegal aliens don’t get jobs created by the Stimulus).  The anti-E-Verify folks are relying on enough Senators believing arguments that are demonstrable … Continued

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