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Search results for: Roy Beck



Obama Punts On Reforming Immigration Program

“It’s the PPS — permanent protected status,” said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which advocates lower immigration levels. “It’s a kind of backdoor refugee system.” David Herbert — National Journal Online

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Roll Call Acknowledges Efforts of NumbersUSA and its Members

In media coverage — from cable news programs to newspaper editorial boards to YouTube videos- — , immigration appears to be taking a backseat only to the struggling economy and late night talk show appearances by President Obama. But Senate Minority Whip John Kyl said yesterday that immigration is not a high priority issue right … Continued

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13.2% Unemployment Rate Shows Bowling Is Not Pres. Obama’s Biggest Problem With Disabled Americans

Pres. Obama supposedly got into hot water with disabled Americans last week when he made a joke about his bowling skills and Special Olympics to Jay Leno. But his true insult to the handicapped was his insistence last week on keeping 7 million jobs (currently held by illegal aliens) out of reach. The first-ever official … Continued

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Liberians in New York ‘Jubilant’ at Expulsion Reprieve

Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, a public policy group that seeks to reduce immigration, said that Temporary Protected Status was intended to provide relief to populations during acute emergencies. In an e-mail message, he said that any “heart-tugging personal stories of separation” were “the unavoidable trade-off for having accepted America’s hospitality for so long.” … Continued

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New Extension for Liberians in U.S. Is Opposite of Compassionate

I’m quoted in Sunday’s New York Times as the sourpuss amidst what the headline says are “Liberians in New York ‘Jubilant’ at Expulsion Reprieve.” Why would I say that Pres. Obama made a mistake in halting an order for the Liberians to go back home to a country of poverty and high unemployment? The Times quoted me … Continued

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Pres. Obama Pulls Rug Out From Under Ex-Convict Pleading for a Job

Today’s news reports on Pres. Obama’s visit to California include a touching interaction with an ex-convict who has lost his job.  But his comments about making sure that illegal aliens keep THEIR jobs illustrates the common occurrence of really smart people at the top of our government who just don’t get it. They don’t understand … Continued

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It’s Official — U.S. Chamber Would Lobby for Foreign Workers During a Depression

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s reaction to a limited set of stricter rules for banks hiring foreign workers answers a bar debate that long has raged. The question has always been whether if we had another Great Depression would the Chamber still continue to lobby for more foreign workers on the basis of worker shortages. … Continued

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Sens. Nelson and Baucus Block E-Verify Amendment

On Feb. 9, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) attempted to offer his E-Verify amendment (SA 239) to the economic stimulus package, but Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) prevented him from doing so. SA 239 would have required all businesses and localities that receive stimulus money to use the E-Verify employment verification system. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who … Continued

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Immigration is losing urgency as top issue

A group called NumbersUSA is pushing Obama to take what it calls a timeout not only on illegal immigration but also on the flow of people who come here legally. “How can it make any sense for the American people’s own government to be approving more competitors for a dwindling number of jobs?” the group’s … Continued

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