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Search results for: Roy Beck



Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority

Opponents of legalization legislation were incredulous at the idea that Obama would take on immigration when economic pain for Americans is so widespread. “It just doesn’t seem rational that any political leader would say, let’s give millions of foreign workers permanent access to U.S. jobs when we have millions of Americans looking for jobs,” said … Continued

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Specialty visas help secure ‘human capital’

Roy Beck, executive director of Numbers USA, an immigration-reduction group, said it simply doesn’t make any sense to keep bringing in foreign workers when Americans are losing their jobs. “We would like to see the rules for H-1B tightened up considerably so only foreign workers who have exceptional skills can get these visas,” he said. … Continued

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‘Great debate’ to tackle country’s divide over immigration

Great debates always have moved America, beginning with one about building a National Road through the hills of Western Pennsylvania. Now, the National Road Heritage Corridor wants to air America’s next “great debate.” On April 14, the organization will host “The Great Debate 2009, Immigration and America: A Nation Divided” at Washington & Jefferson College … Continued

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Guest worker program for agriculture sought

Unemployment is soaring. Yet advocates and Congressional leaders want a guest worker program that would legalize tens of thousands of undocumented agriculture workers. Proponents say they want a legal work force to pick the nation’s tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. Opponents call it amnesty for illegal workers at a time Americans are losing their jobs. “If … Continued

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Immigrant Inventors, Valedictorians & Spree Killers — The Inadequacies of Policy by Anecdote

Jiverly Wong, who murdered 13 people in Binghamton on Friday, reportedly was an ethnic Chinese immigrant from Vietnam who seethed from his difficulty in assimilating to America. Does this provide evidence of something special about Chinese immigrants, or Vietnamese immigrants or immigration policies? No, not any more than if Wong had been one of the … Continued

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663,000 U.S. Jobs Lost in March — 138,000 More Foreign Workers Given Work Permits — White House & Media Noticing?

The March unemployment news is shocking — just like it has been every month for the last year. The official unemployment rate jumped from 8.1% to 8.5%! 663,000 U.S. jobs were eliminated. There are now 13.2 million Americans looking for a job who can’t find even a part-time job. Yet, many of the nation’s richest … Continued

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Rich Immigrants Are Behind $18 Million to Force Passage of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens This Year

Born in 1930 and 1934 (in Hungary and Iran) and moving to the United States in 1956 and 1958, two immigrants are at the heart of a massive flow of money into groups intent on forcing a vote this autumn to grant amnesty  to 12 million or more illegal aliens. Is there something just a … Continued

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A Test To Determine If DREAM Amnesty Sponsors Are Serious About Helping Illegal Teens, Or Do They Just Want To Hurt Americans?

Open-borders groups say their top priority this spring is to pass the DREAM Act Amnesty for illegal-alien teenagers. They have a massive war-chest and support of most of the leadership elites of the country. I have some ways you can test a politician to see if he/she is really concerned about those teens, or if … Continued

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We must move fast to stop Sens. Reid and Durbin, now that they have revealed their amnesty plans for this year

Late last week the Open Borders coalition, in and out of Congress, revealed their plans to push through two major amnesties this year. Now is our chance to stop them. Here are the developments:   The Los Angeles Times reported that foundations controlled by billionaire George Soros and others have put together an $18 million … Continued

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