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Search results for: Roy Beck



Obama’s Immigration Chief Validates E-Verify & Suggests Stronger Future

Janet Napolitano has raised hopes for better immigration enforcement many times in her career and then disappointed those cheering her on, but I want to believe my eyes/ears that she signaled a major commitment to E-Verify this week. It appears the Obama Administration is finally starting to separate itself from the most extreme open-borders elements … Continued

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Let’s Kill the Lottery Before It Gives Away Another 50,000 U.S. Jobs to Foreign Workers

Congress and the Administration still plan to go through with a program that every fall, in effect, takes 50,000 U.S. jobs  and raffles them off to foreign workers on pure chance. Never mind that 14 million unemployed Americans are looking for a job. If that doesn’t make any sense to you, get passionate about Rep. … Continued

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A year later, Iowa raid still marks a flashpoint

“I am disturbed that local religious leaders in Postville seem to think it is immoral to arrest people who violated federal laws,” said Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, a group that believes in limiting immigration. Beck said he believed the detainees were being treated humanely despite claims from local religious leaders to the contrary. By … Continued

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Two New Cosponsors for Chain Migration Bill

California Rep. Bob Filner and Minnesota Rep. John Kline have just added their names to the list of cosponsors for Rep. Phil Gingrey’s H.R. 878 (Nuclear Family Priority Act). The bill now has 25 cosponsors who are trying to relieve population pressure on America’s environmental resources, on congested communities and on depressed labor markets. Rep. … Continued

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Is U.S. Immigration Law Racist?

An individual located in the Midwest who has a master’s degree, and is working towards a doctoral degree made the following assertions on her web site: * The United States promotes and fosters immigration from nations that are mostly composed of white Europeans. * The United States attempts to cap immigration from Hispanic nations and … Continued

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At Postville Raid Anniversary, Religious Leaders Make Mockery of Their Faith & Ethics

The intellectual bankruptcy and juvenile morality of trendy open-borders clergy is on an embarrassing public display during events marking the first anniversary of ICE raids of the Postville, Iowa kosher meatpacking plant.  Many of these are the same clergy who remained silent for years as the meatpacking plant physically endangered its workers and violated child … Continued

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New No. 2 on Senate Judiciary Has An Impressive Sensitivity for the Struggling U.S. Worker

When I walked into Sen. Jeff Sessions’ office several years ago for my first one-on-one visit with him, I knew we could count on him to be a full champion for the rule of law in matters of immigration. But I wanted to persuade him that it was just as important to change immigration policy … Continued

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Sen. Jeff Sessions will replace Arlen Specter on judiciary committee

He’s a major proponent of E-Verify, the voluntary government program that allows employers to certify whether prospective workers are legally authorized to work in the United States. During the debate over the federal stimulus bill in February, Sessions led a failed bid to add amendments that would have forced federal contractors receiving stimulus funds to … Continued

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No. 1 Champion for American Workers Chosen as Ranking Member of Judiciary Committee

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) has been selected by Senate Republicans to serve as Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the Immigration Subcommittee. Sen. Sessions is a leading advocate for reducing immigration levels and recently sponsored the E-Verify extension amendment to the economic stimulus bill. “Now we have the No. 1 champion for the … Continued

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