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At Least, We Can Unite Around Blood

I feel like I lost a bit of my U.S. citizenship today. For 45 years, no matter how polarized my community or my country, no matter how loud the shouting matches and the challenges to each other’s morality and humanity . . . I always felt like I could set aside differences and engage in … Continued

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Gutierrez champions new immigration reform bill

Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA in Washington, called the bill’s timing a tactical error, predicting the bad economy would derail it. “At a time when we have this incredible unemployment, when we have a mismatch of the number of workers in this country with the number of jobs, it’s just incredible to introduce legislation … Continued

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Stung by Criticism He’s Abandoning Black Poor, Pres. Obama Ignores Easiest & Biggest Solution

Pres. Obama is under attack from some Black leaders for allowing Black poverty and unemployment to remain agonizingly high. Blinded by the open-borders ideology that afflicts most of the nation’s political and media elite, Mr. Obama can’t see that he really could deflect the criticism and stick with his stated principles merely by being willing … Continued

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Senators In The AMNESTY BUBBLE Who Need Special Attention

One of our members called this morning wanting the list of Senators in the ‘amnesty bubble’ — those who are most susceptible to changing their action on the potential amnesty vote in early 2010. Those of us who made it to the office in the middle of the DC blizzard shutdown today came up with … Continued

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Most young Latinos U.S.-born, feel labeled as immigrants, study finds

Roy Beck, executive director of Virginia-based NumbersUSA, which supports greater limits on immigration, said young Latinos’ tendency to not identify first as Americans is “troubling.” He said the constant waves of immigration into many of the neighborhoods where young Latinos live is continually exposing young Latinos to the language and culture of their ancestors’ homelands, … Continued

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Former Rep. Virgil Goode Calls for Immigration Moratorium

Former Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode used an op-ed published on several conservative websites to call for an immigration moratorium. Goode joins NumbersUSA and several Republican Congressmen who made the same call during a Congressional Forum last month. Goode quoted NumbersUSA President Roy Beck’s congressional testimony in his article. … cut the 75,000 each month as … Continued

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POLL: Continued High Immigration Keeps Most Young Immigrant-Stock Americans Not Thinking Of Themselves Primarily As Americans

A big poll of Americans of Latin American background finds that most first and second generations don’t think of themselves first as Americans. But they don’t think of themselves as Latinos or Hispanics either. They are most likely — even immigrants’ kids born in the U.S. — to consider themselves Mexicans, Salvadorans, Peruvians, Bolivians, etc. … Continued

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OUR NEW AD — Pushing Jobs/Immigration Numbers Too Hot For Mainstream Media (here are the sources)

Take a look at the ad we are running with allies to force Congress to look at the 125,000 foreign workers they are bringing in each month to compete with jobless Americans. The ad is full of numbers that the mainstream media continue to refuse to disclose to the public. The bias that allow the … Continued

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Biggest & Cheapest Way To Control U.S. Carbon Emissions? Our New Interactive Web Tool Will Show You

Polls suggest that Americans are quite divided about what the climate change summit in Copenhagen ought to be doing this week. The big push there is to persuade nations to adopt goals of limiting carbon emissions. Governments such as China and the U.S. are resisting because of various kinds of giant costs. But check out … Continued

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