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Search results for: Roy Beck



Here Are OUR ‘Voter’ Numbers Countering the Pro-Amnesty ‘March For America’

Our grassroots mobilization numbers are in for last weekend, and I have no doubt that there were far more of you standing up for 25 million Americans who can’t find a full-time job than there were marchers on the National Mall demanding that the jobs stay with 8 million illegal aliens. And when we just … Continued

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SEIU Showed Itself a Pro At Sunday March in Silencing Debate — Mime’s Audio Is One Proof

The Battle of the Mimes looks pretty silly in many ways.  But beneath the makeup and balloons, the SEIU’s “silencing campaign” on Sunday showed a lot about the ability and willingness of one of the biggest money/muscle partners of the pro-amnesty forces to use well-orchestrated intimidation to keep debate from happening. Perhaps surprising was that the … Continued

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Expert Panel Helps Educate Congressional Staffers on Negative Impacts of High Immigration Levels

On Monday, about 45 Congressional staffers attended an immigration panel at the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill. The panel was the final piece of NumbersUSA’s effort to S.T.O.P. Amnesty in 4 Days. NumbersUSA President and Founder Roy Beck was part of the five-person panel that also included FAIR’s Dan Stein, Vanderbilt professor Carol … Continued

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Be Counted Against Amnesty Today

Update 1:04 AM Monday Roy and Rosemary have spent the last several hours at the Park Police headquarters.  They report good news that Roy’s guard has been released from custody, although he is ordered to appear in court to defend himself next month.  He was falsely charged with assault by one of the mimes after Park Police ordered … Continued

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In Time for Pro-Amnesty March, Senate Bill’s Outline Released — Goal: More Foreign Workers

As a predicted 100,000 pro-amnesty marchers begin arriving in Washington, Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Graham (R-S.C.) this afternoon offered the blueprint for the amnesty they intend to push through the Senate. And the key rationale is that we need a lot more foreign workers! Yes, folks, your Members of Congress are really that clueless. … Continued

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Dick Armey Stuns Tea Partiers With Open-Borders Advocacy (see his immigration record here)

For weeks, various grassroots leaders of tea parties have been asking NumbersUSA if there is anything to the rumors that former Congressman Dick Armey is soft on amnesty and the costs of illegal immigration. If he were, that would be an unsettling situation for the vast majority of people at tea party events who oppose … Continued

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S.T.O.P. Amnesty in 4 Days

Next weekend, 100,000 pro-amnesty supporters are expected to flood the nation’s capital to show their support for a mass amnesty. NumbersUSA mobilization has stopped every amnesty since 2000, and we’re revving up our resources to do the same this time around. On Friday, March 19 we’ll begin our S.T.O.P. Amnesty in 4 Days campaign. Our … Continued

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Take This (Amnesty) Gift ‘Or Leave The Country,’ Says White House

This is what goes for tough talk on illegal immigration at the White House: We’ll offer permanent work permits, permanent residency and path to citizenship to illegal aliens but if they don’t sign up, they just have to go home. With their tens of millions of foundation dollars, the open-border groups did polling last year … Continued

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Spread These Ads That Pres. Obama Not Enforcing Immigration Laws & Fails To Put Americans Back to Work

A rolling national TV and internet ad campaign began this morning that puts the lie to Pres. Obama’s speeches that his No. 1 priority is putting Americans back to work. The ads note that he could put millions back to work if he would fully enforce immigration laws — but he has cut enforcement by … Continued

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