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Search results for: Roy Beck



New Study Finds that Amnesty Won’t Hurt or Help Economy; But Impact on Population not Considered

A new study conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California finds that immigration reform won’t hurt or help the economy. The study finds that offering an amnesty to the nation’s 11-18 million illegal aliens won’t improve their individual financial situations. Amnesty supporters claim that illegal aliens are paid below average wages, but by offering … Continued

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Are We A Real Country If We Allow Illegal Aliens To Move This Freely Across The Border So That Murder Is A Constant Threat?

If Members of Congress were ranchers living along the Mexican border, how long do you think they would stay quiet about the fact that Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama haven’t felt it important to stop the illegal mass migration of foreign citizens across their lands? How about you? Or me? Do you think we … Continued

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Do You Suspect Local Employers of Hiring Illegal Aliens? Look Them Up On Our E-Verify List — Then Act

You can put unemployed Americans back to work if you start using our database to pressure employers in your local area to use E-Verify. Yes, you as an individual citizen.  You don’t have to wait on Congress to pass the SAVE Act. Look for businesses that appear to be hiring illegal aliens, check our database … Continued

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Protestant leadership supports amnesty

Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, attended the rally as an observer. He videotaped the event and reports that some of the participants were leaders of religious groups, including The National Association of Evangelicals. “They just joined the amnesty movement, and that’s the Assemblies of God, [the] Church of the Nazarene…[the] Christian Reform Church, the … Continued

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Tea partiers air doubts about Armey

Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, a group opposing illegal immigration, since February had been working with local tea party leaders across the country to disseminate a detailed fact sheet chronicling the congressional votes behind Armey’s low rating from NumbersUSA on immigration issues. Beck told POLITICO he decided to take his anti-Armey campaign public after Armey in … Continued

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Barrios Fired Up for Sunday’s Immigration March

“We’re obviously at 100 percent odds,” said NumbersUSA Executive Director Roy Beck. “Our position is that putting Americans back to work is the top priority.“ NumbersUSA is urging its hundreds of thousands of registered members to join a campaign to “Stop Amnesty in Four Days” that will include visits to congressional offices today, as well … Continued

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120 Chicago buses off to D.C. immigration march

Groups in favor of tougher enforcement of immigration laws, meanwhile, have used the march plans to rally their supporters. Roy Beck, president of the Virginia-based NumbersUSA group, described Sunday’s march as “the opening kickoff” in any renewed immigration debate in Washington. … Beck’s group plans to engage the pro-reform marchers, potentially setting the scene for … Continued

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Thoughts On My 40th Anniversary About Attempts To Smear NumbersUSA With Hate & Racism Labels

Shirley and I were certainly earnest products of the ’60s college scene. We spent a good part of our first date in January 1967 discussing Martin Luther King and getting excited that we shared very similar concerns about racial discrimination. The recessional that I wrote for the folk group at our wedding in 1970 included … Continued

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Immigration: The Next Hot Topic in Washington?

But the head of a group that wants much less immigration says reform advocates face daunting odds. “They have a pretty impossible task. They’re in town saying eight million people here illegally should be at the front of the line while 25 million Americans are out of jobs,” Roy Beck with NumbersUSA said. Strand — … Continued

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