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CBS Evening News – 4/25/10

ROY BECK, NUMBERSUSA: The fact is that jobs are the most important issue in this country. People want to put unemployed Americans back to work, and people do not want seven million illegal aliens holding those

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What I Told CBS News Tonight About Arizona Law — It’s About Jobs

I just came back from taping an interview for the national CBS nightly news regarding the new Arizona immigration-enforcement law. My main point was that states are going to keep passing laws like these as long as the federal government allows 7 million illegal aliens to continue to hold construction, manufacturing, service and transportation jobs … Continued

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Real Dangers of Overpopulation Witnessed Abroad

I currently live in Cairo, Egypt, a city of approximately 18 million people within the metropolitan area. That’s more than twice the population of New York City. Cairo is also a city of extreme pollution. It is said that living in Cairo is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, as the average … Continued

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DISTRIBUTE EARTH DAY REPORT CARDS (who in Congress works against sustainability?)

Take a look at our special Earth Day Report Cards, with grades for all 535 Members of Congress. On this 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, a lot of politicians will claim to be champions of environmental sustainability. But many of them are actually champions of high immigration which is driving a U.S. population explosion that … Continued

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40th Anniversary of 1st Earth Day a Grim Reminder of Immigration’s Devastation of a Vision

THURSDAY IS THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST EARTH DAY — AND A GRIM REMINDER OF HOW IMMIGRATION HAS UNDERCUT VIRTUALLY ALL ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS. Pres. Clinton’s Task Force understood it.  The Father of Earth Day understood it.  You and I understand it.  Why does Congress not understand that U.S. environmental sustainability is not possible unless … Continued

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Mimes’ Charges Against Our Bodyguard Dropped (and here are Democrats most on the hot seat over Reid’s amnesty push)

YOU CITIZEN ACTIVISTS ARE DOING A GREAT JOB THIS WEEK — KEEP IT UP FRIDAY! First let me give you the good news about Ben, my body guard at the big pro-amnesty March On Washington last month. You may remember that he was led away from the National Mall in handcuffs after young women lawyers … Continued

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New Bill Would Battle The Lawlessness On Public Lands That Preceded Murder Of Rancher Robert Krentz

Now, this is what responsive elected officials look like! Last week, Congress and the White House received nearly 200,000 faxes from citizens (through NumbersUSA’s website) demanding that the federal government stop the lawlessness and near-anarchy on our southern border that daily threaten U.S. citizens with the denial of their most basic civil right — LIFE. … Continued

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From Senate Majority Leader, a Promise to Take Up Immigration Overhaul

Opponents of such legislation said yesterday that they thought the chances for passage of an overhaul remained slim while the country is facing high unemployment. “It just doesn’t look very feasible as the next big thing,” said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, an organization that favors reduced immigration. “I don’t think even Nancy Pelosi … Continued

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DNC Survey Shows Why Illegal-Alien Marchers This Weekend Should Be Frustrated

Reading a survey mailed to me by the Democratic National Committee gives some insight into the frustration driving the thousands of illegal aliens marching in the streets against them this weekend. For all the talk by DNC leaders in favor of an amnesty, they didn’t want to bring up immigration to people from whom they … Continued

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