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Search results for: Roy Beck



Obama to send 1,200 troops to U.S.-Mexico border

Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, a group that wants to reduce legal and illegal immigration, was pleased but called the action a minimal response and based on politics. “I think the White House people are watching the polls and seeing how incredibly popular the Arizona law is,” Beck said. The law requires police to c heck … Continued

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Obama’s Political Gesture Is Good Sign — But Not Close To What Is Necessary To Secure Borders

Pres. Obama definitely blinked today in the face-off between pro-enforcement and pro-amnesty Americans. His announcement of sending 1,200 National Guard troops to the border and asking for an extra half-billion dollars for border security shows that he and his advisors are acknowledging that most Americans sided with Arizona Gov. Brewer and against the Obama Administration … Continued

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Defeated Sen. Bennett (R-Utah) — On Immigration, Preferred Corporate Greed Over Patriotic Businesses & Citizens

Sen. Robert Bennett is a prime example of how immigration plays with the Republican Party’s national elite and their preference for the greediest of business lobbyists over regular taxpaying citizens and the majority of business owners who prefer strong immigration enforcement over heavy foreign labor importation. Utah’s grassroots Republican leaders sent quite a message over … Continued

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Advocacy Groups Work to Strengthen Their Influence on Immigration Laws

“We see that in the blogosphere,” says Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, a group that pushes for lower levels of immigration. “Their opposition research and opposition attacks are much strengthened.” But he says he doesn’t see evidence that the groups are helping to persuade more American voters. And, he says, passing legislation when the unemployment … Continued

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Immigration crackdown championed

Numbers USA President Roy Beck said his group has a cross-section of members “from liberal environmentalists to tea partiers,” and a mission to show each faction that everybody will benefit from less immigration. “Our members really disagree with each other on a lot of stuff,” he said. “But without reducing the number of immigrants, you … Continued

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The Anti-Worker May Day Marches (why not to get depressed watching them)

These marches today are supposed to be part of an international day of protest for better worker rights. But the ones in the U.S. mainly are pushing for de facto open borders that would drive our U.S. workers’ wages down toward global averages. Thus, these marchers are not pro-workers but want the same thing as … Continued

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Congressional News Outlet Gives Attention to NumbersUSA Counter Boycott

Congressional Quarterly, a news outlet dedicated to covering Congressional news, has featured our counter boycott efforts on their website. The article credits NumbersUSA with trying to bring business to Arizona in light of the recent calls to boycott the state, including a call from Rep. Raul Grijalva, one of the state’s House Members. The article’s … Continued

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Vacation in Arizona This Year — But E-Verify Your Hotel

If you have thought about traveling to Arizona in the next couple of years, wouldn’t this be a good year to do it? With open-borders groups calling for boycotts of Arizona, why not vacation in Arizona to support the 70% of voters, the governor and the majority of the state legislators who have shown the … Continued

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Immigration prevents environmental progress

Pres. Clinton’s task force understood it. The Father of Earth Day understood it. You and I understand it. Why does Congress not understand that U.S. environmental sustainability is not possible unless we greatly reduce immigration numbers? What does sustainability mean? That the way we live today will not prevent our grandchildren from enjoying the same … Continued

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