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Search results for: Roy Beck



Obama Administration Decision to Defer Deportations Hurts Unemployed Americans

This column first appeared on Three years into a jobs Depression the Obama Administration again turned its back on unemployed Americans. The Department of Homeland Security announced it will individually review the 300,000 cases of illegal aliens currently holding deportation orders in an effort to appease his pro-amnesty critics. With this move illegal aliens … Continued

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How is your local media covering the work-permits-to-illegal-aliens story?

The Obama administration quietly dropped a bombshell late last week when it announced that it would be granting work permits to as many as 300,000 illegal workers currently in deportation proceedings. The mainstream media has marginalized this very important story, especially overlooking the adverse impact the work permits will have on 22 million Americans who … Continued

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Rick Perry’s Immigration Journey Could Haunt Presidential Race

NumbersUSA, which advocates for low levels of immigration, recently gave Perry a D- grade for his various policy stances. While the grade actually puts him in the middle of the pack among presidential contenders (only Michele Bachmann is in “B” territory), Perry’s close association with the border guarantee that he’ll receive plenty more attention. According … Continued

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Rick Perry Gets D-minus on Immigration (middle of a bad GOP pack)

With Gov. Rick Perry indicating more and more interest in accepting the pressure of fans to run for the GOP nomination, NumbersUSA has thoroughly researched his record of actions and statements on immigration and posted the results on our 2012 Presidential Hopefuls’ Immigration Stances grid.     The results — as with nearly every other … Continued

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Jobs Bill Passes House Judiciary Committee (would kill the Visa Lottery)

After three years of a Jobs Depression, we saw today the first action by Congress to stop driving up unemployment by importing so many immigrant workers. The House Judiciary Committee voted 19-11 just before noon to pass H.R. 704, the SAFE for America Act, to end the Visa Lottery.   (See roll call at bottom of blog.) … Continued

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Survey of Our Website Users Finds Overwhelming Enthusiastic Support for Lamar Smith’s E-Verify Bill

During vigorous discussion in the Comments sections of our website, readers have suggested that we poll NumbersUSA faxers on their assessment of Rep. Lamar Smith’s national mandatory E-Verify bill (H.R. 2164). So, we emailed a survey to NumbersUSA’s million-plus faxers early this week.  The results show overwhelmingly enthusiastic support for Lamar Smith’s Legal Workforce Act … Continued

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Obama Declines Pledge to Veto E-Verify Only Bill

During a press conference on Wednesday, Pres. Obama declined to comment on a question asking if we would veto a clean E-Verify bill. During his time in the White House, Pres. Obama has maintained that he would veto any immigration enforcement legislation that did not provide an amnesty to illegal aliens. Some Democrat lawmakers have … Continued

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Illegal immigrant youth ‘come out’ in reform push

Proponents of stricter enforcement of immigration laws often concede that young people in this situation are among the most sympathetic cases but that legalizing them still raises problems. “Our own American young adult college grads are in dire straits in the job market — and particularly disproportionately Hispanic and black Americans — so what the … Continued

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H.R. 2164 Has SIX AGGRESSIVE TOOLS To End ‘Grandfather-Amnesty Loophole’ for Existing Illegal-Alien Workers

H.R. 2164 – the Legal Workforce Act – is exceptional in the way it not only tries to prevent employers from HIRING illegal aliens but in the many aggressive ways it will search out and order the FIRING of millions of illegal aliens in their current jobs. This bill that is working its way to … Continued

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