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Search results for: Roy Beck



Would Rubio’s DREAM Alternative Give GOP a Boost among Latino Voters?

Numbers USA, which wants to reduce the number of all immigrants, regardless of their status before the law, provided talking points to their nearly 1 million members. “It is downright appalling that you are working on a DREAM Act amnesty. There is no difference between giving illegal aliens citizenship and giving them an amnesty. They would … Continued

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Romney likely best since ‘Ike’ on illegal immigration

Roy Beck, founder and president of the immigration think tank, says Romney’s “B-minus” grade is a stark contrast to Obama’s “F-minus” — and better than Newt Gingrich’s “D” and Ron Paul’s “D-minus” grades.”In terms of rating him with any Republican or Democratic nominee for president, Romney’s not perfect on this issue,” he says, “but I’m … Continued

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Our country is totally unprepared for the future

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself: “Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy BeckThis 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life … Continued

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Rubio’s immigration push a potential lift for GOP

Numbers USA, which wants to reduce the number of legal and illegal immigrants, provided talking points to their nearly 1 million members.”It is downright appalling that you are working on a DREAM Act amnesty. There is no difference between giving illegal aliens citizenship and giving them an amnesty. They would still be able to compete … Continued

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Castro says Republican compromise on DREAM Act won’t cut it

Groups such as Numbers USA, which advocate for less immigration, oppose even Rubio’s proposal.“It’s a slow-moving amnesty,” said Roy Beck, Numbers USA executive director, noting that under the Rubio proposal undocumented immigrants would be able to attend school and hold a job. Gary Martin in San Antonio Express News

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U.S. Rep. Charlie Gonzalez says that in Arizona, Mitt Romney said the state’s SB 1070 law should be model for nation

Finally, we turned to NumbersUSA, an Arlington-Va.-based nonprofit group that opposes illegal immigration and advocates for limits on legal immigration, because it tracks what the presidential candidates say about immigration. The group’s president, Roy Beck, told us that Romney has expressed support for enacting “attrition by enforcement” policies on a national level such as requiring … Continued

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Think Tank Study Says Canada Should Reduce Immigration During Recession

A recent study shows that Canada’s high immigration flows during tough economic times has contributed to the poor performance of newcomers over the past 30 years.”During recessions, economic outcomes deteriorate more among recent immigrants than among the Canadian-born,” wrote Arthur Sweetman and Garnett Picot in a paper published by the Institute for Research on Public … Continued

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DHS is Preparing for 50-state Mandatory E-Verify Law

While Republican leaders of the House continue to block a vote on a national mandatory E-Verify bill, the Obama Administration has issued a statement that it is getting E-Verify ready to handle a big expansion. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is planning to launch a 2012 Web User Survey that will be used:   “In … Continued

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Boehner blocking E-verify?

Roy Beck is founder and president of NumbersUSA. He recalls that Boehner and other Republicans had campaigned in 2010 to do a better job of tackling the illegal alien problem.”In terms of immigration, there is not one ounce of difference between Republican Speaker Boehner and Democratic Speaker Pelosi at this point,” he compares. “A mandatory … Continued

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