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New Romney immigration strategy great on illegal but problems with green cards

The immigration strategy announced by Mitt Romney today provided a lot of reasons for hope among most American workers — especially for Hispanic Americans — but troubling news for the country’s students and workers in high-skill fields.  His approach to illegal immigration is solid in focusing on identifying visa overstayers and denying jobs to illegal … Continued

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Critics denounce Bloomberg poll indicating support for Obama’s immigration pivot

“It doesn’t mention that at least one and a half million illegal aliens are being offered work permits to compete with the 20 million under- and unemployed Americans who can’t find a full-time job,” said Roy Beck of NumbersUSA.The June 19 poll also “doesn’t mention that this is a form of amnesty that offers no … Continued

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Immigrant grads relieved by new policy

“President Obama thwarted the will of Congress and shunned the 20 million under- and unemployed Americans,” said Roy Beck, president of the Washington-based immigration enforcement group NumbersUSA. Beck said Congress more than once rejected DREAM Act proposals “in part to help unemployed workers born here or who came here legally.” Cindy Gonzalez in Omaha World Herald

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Obama Sidesteps Congress With Deportation Policy

HORSLEY: While the administration argues this is not a blanket policy and that cases will still be reviewed one my one, the White House says the move could help as many as 800,000 illegal immigrants. Independent estimates say the number could be even higher. That alarms Roy Beck, an outspoken critic of illegal immigration, who … Continued

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Obama’s move on immigration is an unconstitutional disaster for the unemployed

President Obama thwarted the will of Congress and shunned the 20 million under-employed and unemployed Americans by announcing he will grant work permits to 2 million to 3 million illegal immigrants. This appears to be an unconstitutional fiat that not only usurps congressional authority to set immigration policy but directly contradicts what Congress has already … Continued

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Constitutionally-Challenged Administration Unleashes Amnesty Fraud Machine

Perhaps I’m missing something but I can’t find a provision of the US Constitution that authorizes a president to act because he/she just can’t wait for Congress. The Obama Administration must have found the language. Otherwise, the new administrative amnesty-in-place for illegal aliens under the age of 31 would be considered an extra-constitutional directive by … Continued

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Republicans rip Obama’s move to help young illegal immigrants

NumbersUSA, a leading advocacy group pushing for tougher immigration laws, said the move was “unconstitutional.”“President Obama thwarted the will of Congress and shunned the 20 million under and unemployed Americans by announcing he will grant work permits to 2-3 million illegal workers.” said group president Roy Beck. “Congress on three occasions rejected DREAM Act amnesties … Continued

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DHS Announces Amnesty-In-Place for Certain Illegal Aliens Below the Age of 31

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced that effective immediately, people who were brought to the United States before the age of 16 and meet certain criteria will be considered for relief from removal from the country or from entering into removal proceedings. Those eligible will receive deferred action for a period of two years, subject … Continued

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Rubio’s effort to reach out to Hispanic voters could backfire on Senate floor

“No one knows what the 14th Amendment means unless the Supreme Court rules on it,” said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which advocates for lower immigration levels. Alexander Bolton in The Hill

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