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Rubio is wrong — he IS selling an ‘amnesty’ with no guarantee of enforcemen​t

Everybody in Washington is looking to see the fall-out from the marathon TV gig by 2016 Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio. Did he convince the American people that he did not break his Senate campaign promise in 2010 that he would oppose amnesties for illegal aliens? The front page of the Washington Post trumpeted: Rubio takes big … Continued

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Facebook’s CEO Forms Group to Push for Immigration Overhaul

Zuckerberg’s foray may not change the playing field on the immigration debate in Washington, said Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, an Arlington, Virginia-based advocacy group that works to reduce immigration.“The tech companies have been lobbying like crazy for a decade,” Beck said in an interview. “Every member of Congress already knows the tech companies have … Continued

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Anti-immigrant groups go on attack to block ‘pathway to citizenship’

The groups — spearheaded by Numbers USA  and its combative president, Roy Beck —  have played a key role in blocking legislation that would open up a “pathway to citizenship” for  undocumented workers, according to lobbyists on both sides of the contentious issue.“Our goal is to stop this legislation,” said Beck, whose group is planning … Continued

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US immigration reform nears tipping point

Separately, groups like Numbers USA, which calls for lower levels of immigration, are preparing to step up their campaign urging lawmakers to vote against reform…. Meanwhile, Numbers USA plans to start a new radio campaign as soon as the debate over control has been concluded. This would increase the pressure it is already applying to … Continued

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Immigrant advocates rally for change on Capitol Hill

Several groups, such as the grass-roots organization NumbersUSA, worry that the proposal would take job opportunities away from millions of unemployed U.S. citizens.“If the gang of eight could look out on the (National) Mall and see all those Americans shut out of the job market, would they really make their highest priority a bill to … Continued

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Immigration activists say it’s time to deliver; thousands rally in D.C.

Meanwhile, interest group NumbersUSA, which advocates for lower immigration levels, said the rally was misplaced.“There ought to be a rally for the 20 million Americans who can’t find a full-time job,” said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck. Seth McLaughlin and Stephen Dinan in The Washington Times

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Immigration bill is personal for many at Capitol rally

Roy Beck, president of the anti-amnesty group NumbersUSA, said a bipartisan task force of senators known as the Gang of Eight should be in no hurry to put forward an immigration proposal that could result in millions of foreign workers looking for work in the U.S.”There ought to be a rally for the 20 million … Continued

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Pro-Amnesty Groups Demonstrate in Washington, D.C.

Pro-amnesty groups are holding a demonstration in Washington, D.C. today on the anniversary of the 2006 march, which brought out over 200,000 people. Organizers expect a much smaller crowd for today’s demonstration, which is dubbed the “Rally for Citizenship” or the “Time is Now Rally.”Organizers such as the Service Employees International Union expect tens of … Continued

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Cost of Undocumented Immigrants

“A lot of people make the claim illegal immigrants don’t pay any taxes, but they do. They pay sales taxes, they pay gas taxes. There’s a lot of taxes they pay even social security taxes,” said Roy Beck, C.E.O. of Numbers U.S.A.Beck says a 2007 study from the Heritage Foundation shows the taxes undocumented immigrants … Continued

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